Downloading Youtube videos

If you dont know how to download the youtube videos, follow the following steps:

  1. If you don’t have Firefox go get it here, and install it.
  2. Install the DownloadHelper extension – using Firefox go to the bottom of that page, and click Install now.
  3. After installing you need to restart Firefox to continue. After the restart you will have a new button on the toolbar, looking like a little person.
  4. Go to the YouTube page from which you want to download the video (in this case here). Note you can use this extension to download flv files from other video sites (like Google Video) too.
  5. The person on the toolbar icon will start to rotate. Click on the arrow beside it, and click on the first choice. The flash file containing the video will start to download. (click Ctrl+J to open the download window if it doesn’t open automatically)
  6. When the download is finished, right click on the downloaded file, and choose “Open Containing Folder”. There you should have the flash (flv) file. Copy it to the Desktop.

If you want to convert the .flv file to other audio or video format, use the following software

Yes…there is cool software to edit/cut/paste mucic files…name is CoolEdit…you can get it from here